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Discover Our Subsidies and Promotions!

Our centre lets you benefit from professional support and over 40 years of expertise to help you reduce costs related to your condition. Contact us.

Subsidy and Aid Program Up to $1000

Alopecia – Baldness

Centre Capillaire France Godard manages several grants and financial assistance programs that are renewable annually. Subsidies can amount to as much as $1000, depending on your illness or problem. Do not hesitate to check with our team to find out if you qualify.

We offer two simple and fast hair solutions.


Get 0% 12-Month Financing

At our Centre, you benefit from personalized support throughout the process, and this also includes financing solutions! We are happy to offer you financing at a rate of 0% for a full year. Listening to your needs and helping you get your self-confidence and well-being back is what we do best!

Our Promotions

Instant Hair Replacement

Get a full head of hair at an affordable price! Centre Capillaire France Godard is pleased to offer, for a trial period, instant hair replacement for only $399.

Remplacement capillaire
Remplacement capillaire

Our Promotions

Free consultation

For a limited time, our front-line consultation is free to prevent hair loss. Please submit promotional code "007" when meeting a member of our team. Ask for more information.

Microcamera Analysis

Hair Solution Specialists

Get a free private consultation with our experts!

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